Hi! We are the Drysdale Family (Blair, Jody, Carly(14), Fletcher(13) and Leah(11) and we are a farming family from Balfour, Northern Southland, New Zealand.
Here we farm 320Ha of flat fertile land with a mix of Arable (Wheat/Barley) and Livestock farming (Sheep/Beef). The farm has the name of “HOPEFIELD”, and it has been farmed for three generations thus far. Firstly, Blairs Grandparents (Rodger and Chrissy) then his parents (Ken and Fiona) until we took over the reigns in 2008.
In 2018 after much discussion and research we decided we wanted to venture into the Hemp industry because we loved the idea of growing a crop that was widely beneficial for peoples health. Our Hemp has had absolutely NO CHEMICAL over it so it is as close to organic as you can get without the label.

We wanted to produce a product that we could have direct line to the end consumer rather than just produce a product that gets lost in the system as soon as it leaves the mailbox gate
Southland has fantastic climate for growing Hemp due to our long daylight hours in the summer and usually a reliable rainfall. The Hemp plant has so many uses from Medicinal products to Animal Bedding (Stalk left over) and Building Materials the entire plant from top to toe has a use!
There is so much potential to be unlocked so watch this space!
The Drysdales